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Detoxing Part 1 - An Introduction to Detoxing

About Detoxification...

This article is long, though I give below the main headings. I am afraid there are few other ways to get the main features across without the words!


  • Introduction (this page)
  • Selecting a Detox Technique
  • General tips on getting through the Detox
  • Gastrointestinal and Whole Body Cleaning
  • Skin Cleaning
  • Liver Cleaning
  • Gallbladder and Liver
  • Lymphatic & Lungs
  • Kidney and Bladder
  • Sundry, Notes and Actions
  • Probiotics

Note: This is NOT designed as a medical recommendation I am NOT a Doctor - so whatever your chosen professional healthcare professional says, comes first! It is intended to help you plan a detoxification program, should you determine that this is what should be prescribed. There are a number of contraindications for using detoxification techniques (e.g., porphoryia and fasting), so please consult your healthcare practitioner.

The use of detoxification techniques can sometimes make the difference between an effective holistic healing program and endless frustration. These techniques get many people started on their healing path where medications, diet, exercise, yoga, and everything else failed. Cleansing techniques such as those described below have been frequently and successfully prescribed by holistic healers for moderate to severe immune system disorders. It is well-known that eating a diet high in saturated fats can often lead to a build-up in the arteries (atherosclerosis).

In a similar fashion, fats, cholesterols, mucus, xenobiotics (organic toxins), inorganic chemicals, etc. can build up in various organs and tissues of the body, severely affecting the operation of those organs and tissues. Often, these buildups aren't severe enough to be recognised as diseases unto themselves, yet they can lead to quite a few problems throughout the body. The exposure to toxic chemicals is a large source of toxic build-ups throughout the body. After years of exposure to these substances, often the body can no longer keep up with eliminating these substances and they get recirculated into the bloodstream, wreaking havoc thoughout the body, or stored in the liver, body fat or many other parts of the body. These cleanses are geared toward removing these toxic chemicals as well as other toxins.

In addition to the build-ups throughout the body, problems can begin to arise in different areas of the body. The GI (ie intestine) tract can develop microscopic ulcerations, pH imbalances, imbalance in bacteria and fungus, granulomas, hypersecretion of mucus, and many other problems. In addition to deposits of fatty acids in the liver, liver cells can begin to die, bile flow can become inhibited making digestion of fats difficult, etc. And so it goes with other organs and tissues throughout the body.

These types of buildups and problems throughout the body can contribute to the development of a serious illness. In order to reverse the serious illness, the buildups and other problems need to be removed as part of an overall healing plan. A holistic healing plan without the use of cleansing techniques can often result in the gradual removal of toxic substances from the body. But, in many instances, the detoxification is so slow or even non-existent that the use of cleansing techniques can be extremely beneficial.

If you have had chemical poisoning or have been using prescription pharmaceuticals for a number of years, detoxification may be extremely helpful to your recovery. If you are not extremely weak (such as AIDS Wasting Syndrome, bedridden, extremely low t-cell count), I suggest that you consider performing a cleanse technique. In many cases, it can get a person started on their healing path faster than many other holistic healing techniques.