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Practical Aromatherapy

Practical Aromatherapy

Now that you have an interest in aromatherapy oils, here are some practical complementary remedies I have used at home. They are, please note, complementary and must not be used to preclude a call to your chosen healthcare professional.

To Ease Stress and Muscle Pain

Try the following combination of essential oils in a warm (not hot) bath to ease stress and muscle pain:

3 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
2 drops Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium var. amara)
1-2 drops Frankincense (Boswellia cateri) - optional
Use only Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.

Draw the bath first, add the essential oils, swirl them around with your foot, get in and relax. Allow yourself 10 to 20 minutes. Do not get the bath water in your eyes, as the oils will sting. Use this formula up to once a day for 3 days a week over a two to three week period. You can also use this recipe to create a massage blend. In one tablespoon of carrier oil (like Sweet Almond or our Massage Base), add the above oils. (If making an ounce, then multiply drops by 2)

For a soothing massage

4 drops Lavender per tbls of carrier oil (like our massage base)
1 drop Petitgrain per tbls of carrier oil
1 drop Frankincense per tbls of carrier oil
This blend may be added to a warm bath (about a capful of the massage oil blend).
or, you can blend the essential oils in the same proportions and use in one of our Aromatherapy Diffusers.

Remedies using four basic oils

Lavender - promotes healing of burns, wounds, bites, etc.; fights infection; eases muscle pain; eases headaches; calms; promotes sleep; reduces inflammation; repels insects.
Rosemary - stimulates; eases muscle pain; eases the symptoms of colds. BEST AVOIDED BY PERSONS WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.
Tea Tree - fights infection; boosts immune function; good for cuts and scrapes; antifungal.
Eucalyptus - fights infection; clears sinuses and chest congestion; eases muscle aches; repels insects.


5 drops (plus 1) lavender
Clean well with 5 drops lavender diluted in a small bowl of warm water.
Apply one drop undiluted lavender directly from bottle and leave to heal.

Athlete's Foot and Ringworm:

1 drop lavender
2 drops tea tree
Add 1 drop lavender and 2 drops tea tree oil to 1 teaspoon of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). to the massage base. Stir gently to mix and apply with cotton swab.

Minor Burns:

2 drops lavender
Immediately apply ice cold water for 10 minutes. Then apply 2 drops undiluted lavender directly from bottle.

Chest and Sinus:

2 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree
2 drops eucalyptus
Boil a pot of water and remove from the stove. While still steaming, add 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree. Cover bowl and head with towel and inhale for at least 3 minutes. KEEP EYES CLOSED.


2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
2 drops eucalyptus
Add 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops eucalyptus to 2 teaspoons milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath and soak.
Mix 2 drops lavender, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops tea tree oil. Place in a diffuser and diffuse into your room.

To Ease Coughs throughout the day:

2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
Add 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of our massage base oil and apply to the throat and chest (this will make enough for several applications).


2 drops lavender
Massage 2 drops undiluted lavender into the temples and the base of the skull.

To Calm Nerves and Promote Sleep:

4 drops lavender
Add 4 drops lavender to a teaspoon milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath and soak.
Add 4 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Place in a diffuser and diffuse into your room.

Muscle Pain:

2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops rosemary oil to 4 teaspoons of our massage oil base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Use for a gentle body massage.

Remedies for sinus, coughs and colds:

Lavender - relieves pain, relaxes spasms, calms, promotes sleep, fights infection, eases cough
Peppermint - stimulating, clears congestion, induces sweating. DO NOT TAKE PEPPERMINT IF YOU ARE USING HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. It may stop them working.
Eucalyptus - fights infection, clears sinuses, eases aches and pains, stimulating.
Tea Tree - antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, stimulates the immune system, induces sweating.

To Ease Sinuses:

2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Tea Tree
Boil a pot of water and remove it from the stove. While it is still steaming, add 2 drops peppermint, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops tea tree, immediately cover the pot and head with a towel and inhale for 3 minutes. Keep Eyes Closed.

To Ease Coughs:

2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
Boil a pot of water and remove it from the stove. While it is still steaming, add 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender, immediately cover the pot and head with a towel and inhale for 3 minutes. Keep Eyes Closed.

To Ease Coughs throughout the day:

2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
Add 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of our massage base oil and apply to the throat and chest (this will make enough for several applications).

To Combat colds and flu - day:

2 drops Eucalyptus
2 drops Lavender
2 drops Peppermint
2 drops Tea Tree
Add 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops peppermint and 2 drops tea tree to a steaming bowl of water - let stand so that the steam diffuses into the room (or add same essential oils to our tea candle diffuser).

To Combat colds and flu - night:

2 drops Lavender
2 drops Tea Tree
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree to a steaming bowl of water - let stand so that the steam diffuses into the room (or add same essential oils to our tea candle diffuser).

For relaxation, sleep and stress

Lavender - calms and soothes, promotes sleep, improves mood, eases aches and pains.
Ylang Ylang - calms body and mind, releases anger, reduces anxiety, aphrodisiac.
Petitgrain - uplifting without being stimulating; refreshing; reduces anxiety.
Clary Sage - very relaxing; somewhat sedative; promotes feelings of happiness; encourages dreaming. Best used at night since it can make you feel drowsy. AVOID USING WHEN DRINKING ALCOHOL.

Sleep Well:

3 drops Lavender
1 drop Clary Sage
Mix 3 drops lavender and 1 drop Clary Sage with a teaspoon of mild or cream. Add to a warm bath & soak.

Stress-Soothing Massage Oil:

2 drops Lavender
1 drop Ylang Ylang
2 drops Petitgrain
Add 2 drops lavender, 1 drop Ylang Ylang and 2 drops Petitgrain to 5 teaspoons of any plain base/carrier oil (the massage base0. Stir gently to mix and massage into body.

Other Essential Oils for Relaxation: Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, Marjoram, Neroli and Rose.

For sport and fitness

Lavender- relieves pain, relaxes spasms, calms, promotes sleep, is antiseptic, tones muscle.
Rosemary - relieves pain, stimulates, has a warming effect on muscle and is used in small amounts (max. 2 drops total in massage base) before training or competition to help prepare muscles for exertion; BEST AVOIDED BY PERSONS WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.
Juniper - antiseptic, mild diuretic, detoxifies, helps eliminate lactic acid from muscle.
Eucalyptus - antiseptic, aids breathing, decongestant, relieves pain, repels mosquitoes.

Pre- Sports Rub:

2 drops rosemary
1 drop lavender
1 drop eucalyptus
First, blend all the essential oils together, then add to 4 teaspoons to any plain base/carrier oil. Stir gently to mix and apply to the body prior to exercise.

Post- Sports Rub:

2 drops lavender
1 drop juniper
1 drop rosemary
Mix the essential oils together, then add to 4 teaspoons to any plain base/carrier oil (the massage base). Stir gently to mix and apply to body.

For uplifting the spirits

Bergamot - refreshing and uplifting without being stimulating; combats depression, eases tension. DO NOT APPLY TO SKIN THAT WILL BE EXPOSED TO SUN AS THIS OIL PROMOTES SUNBURN.
Geranium - combats depression, balances emotions, balances hormones, eases pre-menstrual tension, mildly stimulating.
Rosewood - uplifting, calms and steadies the nerves.
Ylang Ylang - combats depression, gently lifts mood, calms, aphrodisiac.

Uplifting Personal Blend for Daytime Use:

2 drops Geranium
2 drops Rosewood
2 drops Bergamot
Add 2 drops Geranium, 2 drops Rosewood and 2 drops Bergamot to 6 teaspoons of any plain base/carrier oil. Wear as a fragrance or inhale directly from the bottle. Lasts a long time. Or use for gentle massage.

Uplifting Personal Blend for night time Use:

2 drops Rosewood
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Ylang Ylang

Add 1 drop Rosewood, 2 drops Bergamot and 2 drops Ylang Ylang to 6 teaspoons to any plain base/carrier oil. Wear as a fragrance or inhale directly from the bottle. Lasts a long time. Or use for gentle massage.

Other Essential Oils that are uplifting - Jasmine, Rose, Neroli and Clary Sage.