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A Guide to Aromatherapy Oils, D to G

Aromatherapy Oils D to G

Dill - Anethum graveolens (Family, Apiaceae [Umbelliferae]) - Hungary - Can reduce appetite, and, with fennel and baking soda, is a constituent of "Gripe Water" (Anti-colic water).

Elemi - Canarium luzonicum - a wonderful essential oil that is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing. It comes from a large tropical tree that may grow to about 100 feet high. It is native to the Philippines and is also cultivated there. The essential oil is extracted by steam distilling a resin that oozes from the tree in places where it is punctured or injured. It is antiseptic, soothing to skin, fortifying and tonic, regulatory, stimulant, expectorant, and stomachic. It helps skin to heal. It is excellent to use for skin rejuvenation, and infected cuts and wounds. It is known as an 'anti-wrinkle' oil. It is also used to help clear bronchitis and when there is coughing. It is said to be helpful in cases of nervous exhaustion.

Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus globulus (Family, Myrtaceae) - China - This is a fresh and stimulating oil with a penetrating scent and antiseptic properties. It is widely used as a component of preparations for relieving congestion and muscle aches. Powerful antiseptic, used in baths and massage during the cold season. Blend oil in chest rubs and use in a vaporizer to keep air germ free in sick room. Blends well with Lavender and Pine. There are many Eucalyptus oils, including; Australian Eucalyptus, (E. australina); Lemon Eucalyptus, (E. citriodora); Dives or Broad-Leaved Peppermint, (E. dives); Peppermint Eucalyptus, (E. piperita); Blue Mallee (E. polybractea); Grey peppermint, (E. radiata); Cully Gum, (E. smithii) and more. / Perfume Note=Top / Source: leaves and stems / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: toning, stimulating / Aroma type: camphoraceous / Skin type: blemished / Traditional use: deodorant, antiseptic, soothing agent, skin conditioner, insect repellent / Blends well with: coriander, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, thyme / Main constituents: Cineol, pinene, limonene, cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, aromadendrene.

Eucalyptus (organic) - Organic Eucalyptus globulus (Family, Myrtaceae) - China - This is a fresh and stimulating oil with a penetrating scent and antiseptic properties. It is widely used as a component of preparations for relieving congestion and muscle aches. Powerful antiseptic, used in baths and massage during the cold season. Blend oil in chest rubs and use in a vaporizer to keep air germ free in sick room. Blends well with Lavender and Pine. There are many Eucalyptus oils, including; Australian Eucalyptus, (E. australina); Lemon Eucalyptus, (E. citriodora); Dives or Broad-Leaved Peppermint, (E. dives); Peppermint Eucalyptus, (E. piperita); Blue Mallee (E. polybractea); Grey peppermint, (E. radiata); Cully Gum, (E. smithii) and more. / Perfume Note=Top / Source: leaves and stems / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: toning, stimulating / Aroma type: camphoraceous / Skin type: blemished / Traditional use: deodorant, antiseptic, soothing agent, skin conditioner, insect repellent / Blends well with: coriander, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, thyme / Main constituents: Cineol, pinene, limonene, cymene, phellandrene, terpinene, aromadendrene.

Eucalyptus Citriodora - Eucalyptus citriodora (Family, Myrtaceae) - China - This euchalyptus is light, lemony and is a great air freshener and good for clearing the air and killing germs (has anti-staph properties). It is a strong anti-fungal oil, and great for removing the musty smell in basements (especially carpeted basements) and is also recommended as an insect repellant.

Eucalyptus Radiata - Eucalyptus radiata (Family, Myrtaceae) - Australia - Lighter in smell than the Eucalyptus globulus (the most commonly found Eucalyptus) less likely to trigger cough reflex with breathed in as an inhalation. A good choice for respiratory infections.

Eucalyptus Smithii - Eucalyptus smithii (Family, Myrtaceae) - South Africa - A very mild eucalyptus - works well as a room disinfector when used in a diffuser. Excellent for painful joints and muscles.

Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare, F. officinale, Anethum foeniculum (Family, Apiaceae [Umbelliferae]) - Hungary - Has a sweet aniseed-like aroma which makes it pleasant for skin care. For massage where there is cellulite and for the digestive system, especially the dreaded wind. Good for breast firming massage and to promote milk production, use sparingly. Warning Fennel can be a skin irritant. Do not use it on young children. Do not use if pregnant. Do not use if suffering from epilepsy. / Perfume Note=Top/Middle / Source: fruits / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: energizing, toning / Aroma type: anise / Traditional use: antiseptic, aphrodisiac, soothing agent, muscle relaxant / Blends well with: basil, geranium, lavender, lemon, rose, rosemary, sandalwood / Safety Information: slight dermal toxicity; use ½ recommended dilution or less / Main constituents: Anethol, anisic acid, anisic aldehyde, pinene, camphene, estragol, fenone, phellandrene.

Fir Needle - Apies siberica, (Family, Pinaceae) - Austria - Fresh spicy scent. A few drops will remind you of fir forests. Will refresh the aroma of a Christmas tree. Warning Dilute well. It can be a skin irritant. / Perfume Note=Middle / Also: Canadian Balsam, (A. balsamea); Siberian Fir, (A. siberica); Hemlock, (Tsuga canadensis); Pine q.v.; Black Spruce, (Picea mariana); Terebinth, (P. Palustris and others).

Fir Silver Needle - Abies alba (Family, Pinaceae) - Siberia - Fresh spicy scent. A few drops will remind you of fir forests. Will refresh the aroma of a Christmas tree. Warning Dilute well. It can be a skin irritant. / Perfume Note=Middle / Also: Canadian Balsam, (A. balsamea); Siberian Fir, (A. siberica); Hemlock, (Tsuga canadensis); Pine q.v.; Black Spruce, (Picea mariana); Terebinth, (P. Palustris and others).

Frankincense - Boswellia carteri, B. thurifera or B. cateri (Family, Burseraceae) - Somalia - Also known as "Olibanum" B. papyrifera. Considered sacred and precious since ancient times, boswellia frankincense, has a warm, rich woody fragrance. It is relaxing and, added to a moisturizing facial oil, is wonderful for mature skin. Used for centuries, and burnt on alters and in temples. "Creates a 'spiritual' atmosphere". Comforting oil, by slowing down breathing and controlling tension it helps to focus the mind. Excellent for toning and caring for mature/aging skin. (claimed to have rejuvenating qualities [the Egyptians used it in rejuvenation face-masks.]) Elemi (Canarium luzonicum) is related. / Source: resin / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: stimulating, toning, grounding / Aroma type: balsamic / Skin type: aging/mature / Traditional use: skin conditioner, soothing agent / Blends well with: basil, black pepper, galbanum, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, orange, patchouli, sandalwood / Main constituents: Pinene, dipentene, limonene, thujene, phellandrene, cymene, myrcene, terpinene.

Galbanum - Ferula galbaniflua, F. cummosa, F. rubicaulis (Family, Apiaceae) - Afganistan - may aid mature skin types, eases the aches and pains of rheumatism, and assist in clearing congested breathing. Galbanum is an ancient aromatic substance used in temple incense ritual anointings for springtime. / Source: resin, Middle East and France / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: toning, stimulating / Aroma type: green / Skin type: blemished / Traditional use: skin conditioner, muscle relaxant / Blends well with: citronella, elemi, olibanum, jasmine, palmarosa, geranium, ginger, rose, ylang ylang / Main constituents:- CArvone, cadinene, myrcene, cadinol, limonene, pinene.

Geranium - Pelargonium graveolens (Family, Geraniaceae) - Egypt - Geranium has a wonderful green, flowery aroma and is both uplifting and calming. It exerts a "balancing" effect on skin and is therefore useful for all skin types. It has often been used to ease the effect of PMS. A fresh, floral and sweet smelling oil it relaxes, restores and maintains stability of the emotions. An astringent oil excellent for all skin types. Used in skin care products for both its fragrance and cleansing properties. Useful insect repellent. For massage where there is cellulite and treating eczema and psoriasis. Blends well with other floral oils, and, mixed with Lavender and Bergamot produces a delightful room freshener. / Perfume Note=Middle to Top / Source: leaves and stems / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: balancing, soothing skin type: oily, dry / Aroma type: floral / Traditional use: skin refresher, astringent / Blends well with: cedarwood, citronella, clary sage, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lime, neroli, orange, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood / Main constituents: Geraniol, borneol, citronellol, linalol, termineol, limonene, phellandrene, pinene.

Geranium (organic) - Organic Pelargonium graveolens (Family, Geraniaceae) - Egypt - Geranium has a wonderful green, flowery aroma and is both uplifting and calming. It exerts a "balancing" effect on skin and is therefore useful for all skin types. It has often been used to ease the effect of PMS. A fresh, floral and sweet smelling oil it relaxes, restores and maintains stability of the emotions. An astringent oil excellent for all skin types. Used in skin care products for both its fragrance and cleansing properties. Useful insect repellent. For massage where there is cellulite and treating eczema and psoriasis. Blends well with other floral oils, and, mixed with Lavender and Bergamot produces a delightful room freshener. / Perfume Note=Middle to Top / Source: leaves and stems / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: balancing, soothing skin type: oily, dry / Aroma type: floral / Traditional use: skin refresher, astringent / Blends well with: cedarwood, citronella, clary sage, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lime, neroli, orange, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, sandalwood / Main constituents: Geraniol, borneol, citronellol, linalol, termineol, limonene, phellandrene, pinene

Ginger - Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Family, Zingiberaceae) - China - Fiery and fortifying. Comforting oil and for massaging on the muscles. Good for nausea and sickness. Blend with orange for warming winter baths. Blends especially well with orange and other citrus oils. / Perfume Note=Top / Source: roots / Production method: steam distillation / Aromatherapy class: energizing, warming / Aroma type: spicy traditional use: aphrodisiac, astringent / Blends well with: cinnamon, coriander, clove, elemi, eucalyptus, olibanum, geranium, lemon, lime, myrtle, orange, rosemary, spearmint / Main constituents: Gingerin, linalol, camphene, phellandrene, citral, cineol, borneol.

Grapefruit Essential Oil - Citrus x paradisi C. racemosa (Family, Rutaceae) - Israel - This oil, with a fresh, citrus smell is energizing and helps to elevate the spirits. It also has antiseptic properties. Do not use this oil on the skin or in the bath for 12 hours prior to sun or sunlamp exposure. Lovely fresh aroma which can help with nervous exhaustion. it relieves congested and oily skin, having a toning effect on both skin and tissues. For this reason it is a good oil to use when treating cellulitis. / Perfume Note=Top / Source: fruit / Production method: expression / Aromatherapy class: energizing / Aroma type: citrus / Skin type: dry, blemished / Traditional use: soothing agent, astringent, skin conditioner / Blends well with: citrus oils, especially bergamot, orange / Main constituents: Limonene, paradisiol. neral, geraniol, citronellal.